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  friends bands

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 friends bands Empty
PostSubject: friends bands    friends bands Empty2019-06-22, 3:52 pm

Just a bit of music which my friend play's the drums in, first met him many years ago when i was training with the british trust conservationist volunteers and instantly became friends, he is the most friendliest and caring and helpful man i have ever met and the music is really good.
The first band 'Venus Rising' is generally but not tied to folk music, but they have shown they can adapt to any genre and play gigs all over the united kingdom including the iconic Liverpool cavern. The second band is called The Blue Yellows and the song 'toast the night' is a great song which im sure you will agree

'The Blue Yellows - Toast the night

Venus Rising - fire in your eyes

A dance track that features the bands lead singer as a vocalist"my favourite"

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