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 OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc]

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Server Supad/Forum Admin, Event Coordinator
Server Supad/Forum Admin, Event Coordinator

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Age : 32
Country : Germany | Dortmund

OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc] Empty
PostSubject: OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc]   OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc] Empty2011-03-16, 7:18 pm

Hello all,
[VRT], [DNT] and I (Ricky) planning a Oval Race. Here all Informations:

Driver for our Team at moment:
1. Ricky
2. Ufo2731
3. Sam
4. M.A.X
5. ...

The last who has interest write in Forum
DATE: 15.04.11
Time: 19.15 Servertime
Server: [MRc] Special GTR
Track: Kyoto Oval
Car: FXR
Password: Becomes everybody via Email

- 5 Members from every Team
- 100 Laps
- 2 Pitstops
- Drive Clear, No Block and donĀ“t Bump
- Respect other Member

Winner is the Team with the most Points at end. For fastes Laps no Points
1st Place: 25 Points
2nd Place: 18 Points
3rd Place: 15 Points
4th Place: 12 Points
5th Place: 10 Points
6th Place: 8 Points
7th Place: 6 Points
8th Place: 4 Points
9th Place: 2 Points
10th Place: 1 Point

Last edited by Ricky on 2011-10-16, 3:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Server Supad/Forum Admin, Event Coordinator
Server Supad/Forum Admin, Event Coordinator

Posts : 380
Reputation : 3
Join date : 2010-04-10
Age : 32
Country : Germany | Dortmund

OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc] Empty
PostSubject: Re: OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc]   OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc] Empty2011-04-02, 9:29 pm


so in the last days i become some Information. AT moment watch so, that the VRT team has not more much driver, because much change to the DNT team. This means that we make a race then DNT vs. MRc. The right date and time i write then when the event is organised and all. And this is the planning (order) for our Team.

1. [MRc] Ricky
2. [MRc] Ufo2731
3. [MRc] M.A.X.
4. [MRc] Sam
5. [MRc] SWAT

When one of this 5 driver dont will come are this the driver who comes.
1. [MRc] Alonso
2. [MRc] d3v1k

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OVAL RACE [VRT] vs. [DNT] vs. [MRc]
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